TBT: This morning I got some love from Emerson College, my alma mater!
Reincarnated Twins Born to Same Family
Book Review: The Boy Who Knew Too Much
Paul interviewed on "NightVision Radio" about Titanic reincarnation--and maybe, a polterge
How does reincarnation work? Some thoughts and theories on past lives and the past life phenomena
The Man Who Sent the SOS book trailer is here!
Bonus Material Available: Unpublished Chapter from The Man Who Sent the SOS
105 Years Later, Titanic still fascinates, haunts
2014 interview where I talk about "The Man Who Sent the SOS"
Finally! Proof that Hollywood agents actually have souls! (jk)
Quiz—Famous people who believe in reincarnation
An astonishing story of reincarnation: a mother's successful search for her past life children
Photo of mom and me taken a few months before my fateful past-life regression. She was--and always w
One of the most intriguing cases of reincarnation in recent memory